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Marrow Cellution™

Marrow Cellution™ is an innovative system for extracting bone marrow and autologous bone material (spongy tissue). It optimizes the collection of stem and precursor cells and minimizes blood contamination, maximizing cell yield.

Optimum cell recovery thanks to special design

Maximizes stem and precursor cell yield with a specialized design that minimizes peripheral blood contamination.

Single point access for minimal tissue trauma

Allows high-quality bone marrow aspiration and recovery of bone material from multiple sites via a single access point, which reduces tissue trauma.

Minimal invasiveness

Uses a gentle sampling technique that reduces morbidity at the collection site.

Comparison of CFU-f concentrations in different bone marrow aspiration systems

Marrow Cellution™ significantly exceeds all other compared systems in the concentration of CFU-f per milliliter, which underlines its superiority in obtaining highly concentrated stem and precursor cells. This makes it particularly valuable for regenerative medical applications where a high cell concentration is crucial. (cFU-f is a measure of the regenerative capacity of bone marrow.)

*CFU-f is a measure of the regenerative capacity of bone marrow.
Balkendiagramm zeigt die CFU-f-Konzentrationen verschiedener Knochenmark-Aspirationssysteme, wobei Marrow Cellution™ die höchste Konzentration mit 3.290 CFU-f/ml erreicht

Traditional aspiration: 3-step process

The traditional bone marrow aspiration method uses open trocar needles to collect small volumes of biopsy. However, this technique has several limitations that affect the efficiency and quality of the samples obtained. The three-step process of traditional bone marrow aspiration is described below.

Illustration einer traditionellen Trokar-Nadel während der Knochenmark-Aspiration; zeigt die Begrenzung der Stammzellgewinnung nach den ersten 1-2 ml durch eindringendes peripheres Blut

Initial aspiration

Traditional open trocar needles are designed for small biopsy volumes (1-2 ml). After aspiration of the first 1-2 ml of bone marrow, peripheral blood fills the vacant space and limits the additional collection of key stem and precursor cells.

Darstellung einer traditionellen Trokar-Nadel, bei der durch fortlaufende Aspiration peripheres Blut den Weg des geringsten Widerstands nimmt und die Zellgewinnung über die Seitenkanäle stark reduziert wird

Reduced cell recovery

Further aspiration attempts reduce the number of total leukocytes (TNC). The cells in the aspirate drop dramatically due to the lower viscosity of the blood, which takes the path of least resistance through the distal end channel, which minimizes the efficiency of the side channels.

Illustration der Knochenmarkaspiration mit traditioneller Nadel, bei der zur Gewinnung größerer Zellmengen zusätzliche Schritte wie Zentrifugation oder chemische Trennung notwendig sind

Necessary manipulation

The aspiration of larger amounts of bone marrow, which is typically required for most clinical indications, requires additional manipulation and volume reduction steps, such as centrifugation or chemical gradient separation in a laboratory.

Marrow Cellution™: 3-step process

Marrow Cellution™ revolutionizes bone marrow aspiration and recovery with an innovative design that maximizes cell recovery while minimizing contamination from peripheral blood. The following three-step process shows how Marrow Cellution™ enables more efficient and high-quality bone marrow collection.

Easy tissue penetration

Marrow Cellution™ provides easy access through soft tissue and cortex. A fenestrated blunt trocar is then inserted to provide access for a closed end channel with side-opening aspiration stiletto. The design minimizes trauma to spongy bone and bone marrow, thus reducing peripheral blood accumulation.

Das Marrow Cellution™-System zeigt die präzise Positionierung des geschlossenen Endstiletts, das lateral Knochenmark aspirieren kann; die Drehung ermöglicht das Anvisieren frischer Knochenmarkbereiche

Accurate positioning

The patented design consists of a closed end stiletto, which forces the aspiration of bone marrow laterally out of the bone marrow space. The manual rotation of the handle makes it possible to lift the fenestrated stiletto into a new undisturbed position in the bone marrow for subsequent aspiration aliquots.

Illustration des Marrow Cellution™-Systems, das durch laterale Aspiration mit einem Stich bis zu 10 ml qualitativ hochwertiges Knochenmark ohne zusätzliche Verarbeitung sammelt

High quality and efficiency

With a single stitch, Marrow Cellulation™ can collect up to 10 ml of high-quality bone marrow that is equivalent to or superior to other systems that require additional manipulation steps such as centrifugation or chemical separation in a laboratory.

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Marrow Cellution™ Studies

The latest study results on Marrow Cellution™.
Marrow Cellution™ Logo
Pure bone marrow aspirate injection for chronic greater trochanteric pain syndrome: a case report
Bone Marrow Aspirate Matrix: A Convenient Ally in Regenerative Medicine
High Variability of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Obtained via Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate Compared With Traditional Bone Marrow Aspiration Technique
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